5-Priority Queue ADT

Priority Queue ADT

Full priority-queue ADT

This interface allows client programs to delete items and to change priorities (using handles provided by the implementation ) and to merge priority queues together.

template <class Item>
class PQ
    private :
		//Implementation-dependent code
    pubilc :
    	//Implementation-dependent handle definition
    	int empty() cons;
    	handle insert(Item);
    	Item getmax();
    	void change(handle,Item);
    	void remove(handle);
    	void join(PQ<Item>&);

This arrangement restricts both client program and implementation that client program is not given a way to access information through handles except through this interface. So responsibility falls to use handles properly ( checking illegal actions).

For its part the implementation cannot move around information freely because client programs have handles that they may use later.

Client program keeps the responsibility for maintaining the records and keys, and PQ routines refer to them indirectly.

Unordered doubly linked list priority queue

template <class Item>
    	struct node
        	{ Item item; node *prev, *next;
             node(Item v) {item = v ; prev = 0 ; next = 0;
             typedef node *link;
             link head,tail;
             typedef node* handle;
             PQ(int = 0)
                 head = new node(0); tail = new node(0);
                 head->prev - tail; head->next = tail;
                 tail->prev = head; tail->next = head;
             int empty() const
             	{ return head->next->next == head;}
             handle insert(Item v)
             	{ handle t = new node(v);
                  t->next = head->next; t->next->prev = t;
                  t->prev = head ; head->next = t;
                  return t;
             Item getmax();
             void change(handle,Item);
             void remove(handle);
             void join(PQ<Item>&);
             Item getmax()
                { Item max; link x = head->next;
                  for (link t = x; t->next != head; t = t->next)
                  if (x->item < t->item) x = t;
                  max = x->item;
                  return max;
             void change(handle x, Item v)
                { x->key = v; }
             void remove(handle x)
                x->next->prev = x->prev;
                x->prev->next = x->next;
                delete x;
             void join(PQ<Item>& p)
                tail->prev->next = p.head->next;
                p.head->next->prev = tail->prev;
                head->prev = p.tail;
                p.tail->next = head;
                delete tail; delete p.head;
                tail = p.tail;