6-Priority Queues for Index Items

Priority Queues for Index Items

Suppose that records to be processed in a PQ are in array already. So we can develop PQ routines handle data using indexes. Moreover handle here becomes array index.

Priority queue ADT interface for index items

template <class Index>
class PQ
    private :
    	//Implemetation-dependent code
    public :
    	int empty() const;
    	void insert(Index);
    	Index getmax();
    	void change(Index);
    	void remove(Index);

Index heap based priority queues

template <class Index>
class PQ
    	int N; Index* pq; int* qp;
    	void exch(Index i, Index j)
            int t;
            t=qp[i];qp[i] = qp[j];qp[j]= t;
            pq[qp[i]] = i; pq[pq[j]] = t;
    	void fixUp(Index a[],int k);
    	void fixDown(Index a[],int k , int N);
    	PQ(int maxN)
        	{ pq = new Index[maxN+1];
              qp = new int[maxN+1]; N = 0;
    	int empty() cont
        { return N == 0;}
    	void insert(Index v)
        { pq[++N] = v ; qp[v] = N; fixUp(pq,N);}
    	Index getmax()
            return pq[N--];
    	void change(Index k)
        	{ fixUp(pq,qp[k]); fixDown(pq,qp[k],N); }