3 Adjacency matrix

Adjacency-Matrix Representation

An adjacency-matrix representation of a graph is $V\times V$ matrix of Boolean values, with entry in row $v$ and column $w$ defined to be 1 if there is an edge connecting vertex $v$ and vertex $w$ in the graph, and to be 0 otherwise.

This representation is well suited for dense graphs.

For processing all of the vertices this implementation requires (at least ) time proportional to $V$, no matter how many vertices exist.


This matrix is symmetric about diagonal because of undirected graph.

Graph ADT implementation (adjacency-matrix)

class DenseGRAPH
    int Vcnt,Ecnt; bool digraph;
    vector <vector <bool> > adj;
    	DenseGRAPH(int V, bool digraph = false):
    	adj(V), Vcnt(V), Ecnt(0), digraph(digraph)
            for(int i = 0 ; i<V; i++)
    	int V() const { return Vcnt; }
    	int E() const { return Ecnt; }
    	bool directed() const { return digraph; }
    	void insert(Edge e)
            int v = e.v , w = e.w;
            if(adj[v][w] == false ) Ecnt++;
            adj[v][w] = true;
            if(!digraph) adj[w][v] = true;
    	void remove(Edge e)
        { int v = e.v, w = e.w;
          if(adj[v][w] == true) Ecnt--;
          adj[v][w] = false;
          if(!digraph) adj[w][v] = false;
    	bool edge(int v, int w) const
        { return adj[v][w];}
    	class adjIterator;
    	friend class adjIterator;

Iterator for adjacency-matrix representation

class DenseGRAPH::adjIterator
{ const DenseGRAPH &G;
	int i,v;
 	adjIterator(const DenseGRAPH &G, int v):
 	G(G),v(v),i(-1) {}
 	int beg()
    { i = -1 ; return nxt();}
 	int nxt()
        for(i++; i<G.V(); i++)
            if(G.adj[v][i] == true) return i;
        return -1;
 	bool end()
    { return i>=G.V();}