5-mincost flows

Mincost flows

it is not unusual to have numerous solution for maxflow problem so we would like to impose a condition on them for choosing one of them. We could prefer the one that uses fewest edges or shortest paths, or there existing a comprising disjoint paths. Such general problems fall into the general model known as mincost flow problem.

Definition 22.8 The flow cost of an edge in a flow network with edge costs is the product of that edge’s flow and cost. The cost of a flow is the sum of the flow costs of that flow’s edges.

continue to assume that capacities are positive integers less than M. We also assume edge costs to non-negative integer less than C.

Mincost Maxflow Given a flow network with edge costs, find a maxflow such that no other maxflow has lower cost.

Mincost Feasible flow recall that we define a flow in a network with vertex weights to be feasible if the sum of the vertex weights is negative and the difference between each vertex’s outflow and inflow. Such a network, find a feasible flow of minimal cost.

The describe the network model for the mincost-feasible-flow problem, we use the term distribution network for brevity to mean “capacitated flow network with edge costs and supply or demand weights on vertices”

Program 22.8 Computing flow cost

static int cost(Graph &G)
{ 	int x = 0;
    for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
        typename Graph::adjIterator A(G, v);
        for (Edge* e = A.beg(); !A.end(); e = A.nxt())
            if (e->from(v) && e->costRto(e->w()) < C)
            	x += e->flow()*e->costRto(e->w());
    return x;

Property 22.22 The mincost–feasible-flow problem and the min-cost maxflow problems are equivalent.

To include the cost in flow network we add and integer pcost to edge class and member function cost() that return cost to clients.

Definition 22.9 Given a flow in a flow network with edge costs, the residual network for the flow has the same vertices as the original and one or two edges in the residual network for each edge in the original, defined as follows: For each edge u-v in the original, let f be the flow, c the capacity, and x the cost. If f is positive, include an edge v-u in the residual with capacity f and cost-x; if f is less than c , include an edge u-v in the residual with capacity c-f and cost x.

Edges in the residual network that represent backward edges have negative cost.

we use following function to do this

int costRto(int v)
	{return from(v) ? -pcost : pcost; }

Because of the negative edge costs, these networks can have negative-cost cycles

Property 22.23 A maxflow is a mincost maxflow if and only if its residual network contains no negative-cost (directed) cycle.

This property immediately to a simple generic algorithm for solving the mincost-flow problem, called the cycle-canceling algorithm

Find a maxflow. Augment the flow along any negative-cost cycle in the residual network, continuing until none remain.

Since we have developed algorithm for computing a maxflow and for finding negative cycles, we immediately have the implementation of the cycle-canceling algorithm. We use any maxflow implementation to find the initial maxflow and the Bellman-Ford Algorithm to find negative cycles. To these two implementation we just add a loop to augment flow along the cycles.

As for the maxflows, the existence of this generic algorithm guarantees that every mincost-flow problem has a solution where flows are all integers ; and the algorithm computes such a solution.

Property 22.24 The number of augmenting cycles needed in the generic cycle-canceling algorithm is less than ECM.

Corollary The time required to solve the mincost-flow problem in a sparse network is $O(V^3CM)$.

Program 22.9 Cycle Canceling

template <class Graph, class Edge> class
{ 	const Graph &G;
    int s, t;
    vector<int> wt;
    vector <Edge *> st;
    int ST(int v) const;
    void augment(int, int);
    int negcyc(int);
    int negcyc();
        MINCOST(const Graph &G, int s, int t) : G(G),
            s(s), t(t), st(G.V()), wt(G.V())
            { 	MAXFLOW<Graph, Edge>(G, s, t);
            	for (int x = negcyc(); x != -1; x = negcyc())
            		{ augment(x, x); }

It is possible to develop a strategy that finds negative-cost cycles and ensure that the number of negative-cost cycles used in less than $VE$. This result is significant because it establishes the fact that the mincost-flow problem is tractable.

The mincost-flow problem represent the most general problem-solving model that we have yet examined, so it is perhaps surprising that we can solve it with such a simple implementation.