Bit Manipulation

Bit Manipulation on Scalar.

XORs have 2 important property other than commutative and associativity.

  • Identity element : $A \oplus 0 = A$
  • Self-Inverse : $A \oplus A = 0$
  • XOR is monotonic in absolute difference between numbers.

All about XOR

Bit Play

Number of 1 Bits

  • Standard loop thru digits and do if(N & (1 << i)) cnt++;

Number of Zeroes

  • Keep counting zeroes from backwards and break when u encounter a 1.

Reverse Bits

  • Use two pointers with bitset<n> bt; and then return bt.to_long().

  • traverse thru the bits and calculate result = (result<<1) | (A >> i & 1);

Divide Integers (Medium)

  • To many corner cases.

Different Bits Sum Pairwise

  • For each of the ith bit in all n numbers calculate number of 1s
  • then answer is ans += 2 * cnt * (A.size() - cnt)

Bit Array

Single Number

  • Take the XOR of entire array elements.
  • Explanation : Each element appears twice so XOR of them is zero which is XOR’d with the element that appears once gives that element back.

Single Number II

Bit Tricks

Min XOR Value (Medium)

  • XOR is monotonic in absolute difference between numbers, its little obvious in binary.
  • Sort the array and then ans = min(ans, A[i] ^ A[i+1]) over 0 < i < A.size()-1
  • A further more efficient solution $O(n)$ uses Trie data structure.
  • Try similar variant of this problem called as Max XOR Pair.

Count Total Set Bits (Hard)

  • Any approach based on $O(n)$ or $O(n\log n)$ will fail.

  • Solution :

    0 : 00000

    1 : 00001

    2 : 00010

    3 : 00011

    4 : 00100

    If you notice after every $2^i$ power bits are inverted. So instead of traversing thru A we will do as follows.

    int solve(int A) {
        if (A==0)
            return 0;
        long long int p=log(A)/log(2);
        long long int ans=0;
        return ans%1000000007 ;

Palindromic Binary Representation (Hard)

XOR-ing the Subarrays! (Medium)

  • given list [1,2,3, … n] how do you generate all subarrays ? (let put partition at kth index)

  • [ 1 | 2 | 3 | … k-1 | k | k + 1| …. n] : we can see k is included in exactly $k(n-k+1)$ subarrays.

  • In our case its enough to find whether this is even or odd (i-1)*(n-i). If even numbers xor becomes zero or else the number itself.

  • if(((i+1) *(n-i))%2) res ^= A[i]; over $0 \le i < n$