Linked Lists

Non-Linear DS

None of the DS we practices was quick at searching. We want a DS with the following capabilities

  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Find/Search


We can use array for marking the existence of a element.


  • Wastage of Space (Sparse Array)
  • Input Range should be known ahead of time
  • Input has to be integers
  • Input range is small


Lets fix small range and use a mapping function $f$ whose output is fixed in the range specified. So hashing fixed above drawbacks to a degree.

But introduces some more complexity or bottlenecks

  • $f$ computation should be fast and one-one
  • $f$ should be deterministic ( always consistent and same output)

$f$ should be one-one but is it possible always ? NO!

because domain > range : this is so because range (aka DAT) is finite and expected to be small in size.

So there is a need to handle hashing collision

How to design such $f$ . We consider input to be gaussian/normal then $f$ we want to produce uniform output

Collision Handling

  • Chaining
  • Open Addressing (linear probing)


  • Frequency application
  • Subarrays
  • Other Problems like grouping (like frequency counting)
  • Store history and look up at it (fraction , prison cell, subarray with sum k)

Hashing in STL


  • Unordered Set

    Allow only unique items once

unordered_set<int> s;
s.find(32); // returns iterator for hit to the item for miss to the end of set
  • Unordered Multiset

    Allow multiple copies

Unordered Map

<k,v> : key, value pair

unordered_map<string,userObj> m;
m["smk"] = obj;
m.find("smk"); // returns iterator for hit to the item for miss to the end of map


Brick Walls Problem bounds doesn’t allow using the DAT

So we can use a map for counting frequency for counting the corners (brick edges) and find the max edge in such map.

why can’t we use DAT ? reason 1. can’t get array of INT_MAX size 2. line that cuts brick doesn’t pass thru edges every time xD so we don’t need to store those cases.

int leastBricks(vector<vector<int>>& wall) {

    unordered_map<int,int> m;
    int i,j, pos, max_count = 0;
    for(i = 0; i< wall.size(); i++){
        pos = 0;
        for(j = 0; j < wall[i].size()-1; j++){ // wall.size()-1 for leaving the last boundary
            //calculate the position
            pos += wall[i][j]; 
            max_count = max(max_count,m[pos]);

    return wall.size()-max_count;

Rabbits in Forest

Way to approach this problem is making chunks of each color of rabbit, chunk size we can infer from the number of rabbits say a rabbit says there are 2 rabbits with the same color then there are 3 rabbits for sure that have same color.

Now what we can do is consider that other 2 rabbits asked same question and they answered same amount then these are the rabbit first one talked about ( why because we want min color).

So basically problem reduces to do the frequency table and then divide then frequency into chunks using $\lceil \frac{cnt}{num+1} \rceil = \frac{5}{2+1} = 2 $

but we need to multiply each chunk with the weights of the numbers to get correct rabbits number.

i.e rabbits are $numchunks = 22 = 4$ i.e. (blue and red rabbit)

so $ \text{ total rabbits }= \Sigma_{i=1}^{i = n} \ (i+1) \lceil \frac{c_i}{i+1} \rceil $ .


do remember : res += (i+1) * ceil((double)arr[i]/(i+1));

Here double is quite important because there is nothing to be ceil to act on because integer division already yields integer for you and to get a ceil value there must be decimal value :)

Group Anagram : Simple problem , but try to achieve simple implementation

use simple hash map with value vector<string> (list of anagrams) and key = (identifier for group) : here two possibility vector of 26 size or we can sort all strings.

which one is better ? sorting will be expensive for long strings so DAT of 26 is good enough key

unordered_map<vector<int>, vector<string>> m; // syntax error :)
 // we can't hash vectors not unless we define hash function
// or use a hash range
unordered_map<string, vector<string>> m;
unordered_map<int, vector<string>> m;
// both are not optimized for space

better approach is to store values of map as indices that indicate location on the result vector :) and another improvement is that create a unique string as key (kind of like vector<int>) see the getIDdfunction :)


string getGroupId(string &s){
    vector<int> freq(26,0);
    for(auto &ch : s){

    string res = "";
    for(int i = 0;i < 26; i++)
        res+= to_string(freq[i]) + "#"; // "#"delimiter for our key:)

    return res;
vector<vector<string>> groupAnagrams(vector<string>& strs) {
    vector<vector<string>> res;
    unordered_map<string,int> m;
    int i;

    for(i = 0; i < strs.size(); i++){
        // get the group identifier
        string id = getGroupId(strs[i]);

        // if this is the first element of the group 
        if(m.find(id) == m.end()){
            m[id] = res.size(); //location to insert string in vector
    return res; 

Prison Cells After N Days One possible solution is taking xor’s of elements neighbor n times. not efficient quadratic time complexity.

hmm.. sounds difficult. read the problem again it says 8 prisons. does that ring a bell ?

we observe cycles! because only 256 combination , and there is definite way to change states. Hmm .. can we detect cycle or the size of cycle that we don’t need to rotate thru cycles :) just we can directly claim the answer..


Strategy - > min ( N , #iteration to get a repeating state for the first time…) - > <= 256

we can store key as config :)

string getNextConfig(string &curr_config){
    string next_config(8,' ');
    next_config[0] = next_config[7] = '0';
    for(int i = 1 ; i < 7; i++)
        next_config[i] = curr_config[i-1] == curr_config[i+1] ? '1' : '0';
    return next_config;
vector<int> prisonAfterNDays(vector<int>& cells, int N) {
    // key - configuration
    // values - Iteration count when it occured for the first time
    unordered_map<string, int> m;
    vector<string> conf;
    string res;

    int i = 0,cycle_length;
    string init_config(8,' ');
    for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        init_config[i] = cells[i]+'0';

    string curr_config = init_config,next_config;
    m[init_config] = 0;
    for(i = 1; i <= N; i++){
        next_config = getNextConfig(curr_config); 

        // Cycle
        if(m.find(next_config) != m.end())
        // not a cycle
        // insert in the map
        m[next_config] = i;
        // push in the vector
        // update current config
        curr_config = next_config;

    if( i == N+1 ) // found the config before the cycle :)
        res = next_config;
    else {
        // computation for cycle :)
        // tail lenth is where the cycle happens first time
        int cycle_length = i - m[next_config];
        int tail_length = m[next_config];

        int j = (N-tail_length) % cycle_length;

        res = conf[tail_length+j]; 

    // return the vector of res :)
    vector<int> ans(8);
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) ans[i] = res[i]-'0';
    return ans;

Fraction to Recurring Decimal : Difficult implementation problem and too many edge cases. Conceptually we keep multiplying numerator with 10 for each time we take quotient and remainder and use a map to check whether that numerator has appeared before or not. If it has appeared already that means its recurring fraction (cycle starting point). and rest is just implementation complexity :)

Solution :

Subarray sum equals K : lets practice this well known question.

Here can we use 2 pointers ? :) nope negative numbers. Way 2 pointer work because of j monotonically increase or decrease with respect to i. if graph of j vs i is either increasing of decreasing. Here its not this because of negative numbers :)

Think about Prefix Sum. There are n types of subarrays which end at 0 , end at 1 , … , end at i, … end at n-1.

use a map : key -> prefix sum

​ value -> number of prefix with that prefix sum


Above diagram shows that finding the window of sum K is equivalent to finding all the prefix sum arrays within the bound i, with sum s-k.

int subarraySum(vector<int>& nums, int k) {
    int n = nums.size(), i, cum_sum = 0, res = 0;
    unordered_map<int, int> m;

    // empty prefix array
    m[0] = 1;
    for(i = 0; i <n; i++){
        cum_sum += nums[i];

        res += m[cum_sum-k];
    return res;