Linked Lists

Basic Problems

Reversing a Linked List


There can multiple ways to do this but simplest is just making a new head and keep pushing items on the new head ( reverse automatically)

link reverse(link head){
   	link x = head; // copy of head ( good practice )
    link rev = nullptr,tmp ;
        tmp = x->next; // increment the list
        x -> next = rev;
        rev = x;
        x = tmp;
    return rev;

// its a suffix subproblem case

Recursive approach

// head is declared globaly
link rev(link x){
	if(x == nullptr) return nullptr;
    if(x->next == nullptr){
        head = x;
        return x;
    link node1 = rev(x->next);
    node1->next = x;
    x->next = nullptr;
    return x;

Important Algorithms

Floyd’s tortoise and hare

Given a linked list with cycles find whether the list contains cycle of not.

Solution : Its quite simple just consider two pointers but they move at different speed. Fast pointer goes into cycle before the slow one and if there exists a cycle they are guaranteed to meet somewhere in the cycle.

Code Illustration

// suppose a struct node exists. and link is just typedef on *node
link isCycle(link head){
    link slow = head , fast = head;
    while(!fast && !fast->next && slow!=fast){
        slow = slow -> next;
        fast = fast -> next -> next;
    // the moment loop ends we hit the point at which both meet
    if(!fast || !fast->next) return nullptr;
    return slow;
// above function returns null if there is no cycle else it return the point where the cycle exists.

Property: Slow pointer always travels half of the fast pointer.

Problem Extension :

Find the moment where the cycle started. Refer to figure.

lets say $n$ represent the distance where the cycle started and $k$ where the turtle and hare meet after some revolutions. And lets assume cycle is of size $m$.

let, distance traveled by slow = $i$ , then distance by fast pointer = $2i$.

lets simulate the run. $i = n + m*p_1 + k $ where $ p_1 :$ number of cycle it took to hit the meeting point.

similarly for fast pointer $ 2i = n + m * p_2 + k $ here $p_2 :$ number of cycle for fast pointer.

Simplifying $n+k = m * (p_2 - 2p_1)$

or we can see it as $ n + k = m * integer$ .This implies $n+k$ always wraps around circle.

or Diamond point is n distance (direction of cycle) away from head of list.


link diamond = isCycle(head), hptr = head; // good practice to not change given head
    diamond = diamond->next;
    head = head->next

Find the duplicate number

This problem is excellent demonstration of above concept xD;

Possible ways are n number sum, xor ( failed cause repeating numbers can be more than 1 ).

we can maintain visited array. extra space O(n) ;)

we can fix space usage by using negative numbers as markers using this nums[abs(nums[i])] = -1 nums[abs(nums[i])] .

also we can sort and find neighbors with same value.

best solution is using the above concept.

visualize : nums = [1, 3, 4, 2, 2]

​ think empty link linked (val -> null) while there is a next link which is defined by the num[i] ;) so nums[i] acts as link for linked list traversal right , so we can traverse array in specific manner ( similar to linked list)

slow = nums[i];

fast = nums[nums[i]];


Some problems and their hints :

Palindrome Linked List

Just find the mid point using slow and fast pointer and then reverse the second half of list and compare.

Remove nth from end of list

Use the slow and fast pointer approach but :D at n distance, just be careful of edge cases.

Reverse the nodes in K-group

Insert at the head as well as tail. Connecting various groups.

Medium Questions

// lookup merge step of merge sort

Merge 2 sorted list

void insert(link *r,link *h){
	(*r)->next = (*h);
    (*h) = (*h)->next;
link merge(link h1, link h2){
        link res = new ListNode();
        link ans = res;
        while(h1!=NULL || h2!=NULL){
            if(h1 == NULL) { insert(&res,&h2); break;}
            if(h2 == NULL) { insert(&res,&h1); break;}
            if(h1->val <= h2->val) insert(&res,&h1);
            else insert(&res,&h2);
            res = res->next;
        return ans->next;

Add two numbers

Use recursion.

// Recursion Revisited…

How can we get the function to return values. Two ways : either returning explicitly or using implicitly ( arguments passed by reference).

Explicitly returning function

int f(..) {

/// some body


when we call this function we can store it in a variable say int y= f(..) and then we can operate on y

another way

Implicitly returning function

we can declare y ahead of time and call the function with y as a argument (passed as reference) and then function actually changes the y.

Solution when lists are of equal length.

Now real catch is both are unequal size… :D

What if we pad the unequal linked list to get them to equal size :)

// code is still buggy (to do fix it)

link f(link l1, link l2, int &carry){
      	carry = 0;
        return nullptr;

    int passed_carry;
    link summed_list = f(l1->next,l2->next,passed_carry);
    int curr_elt = (l1->val + l2->val + passed_carry)%10;
    int curr_carry = (l1->val + l2->val + passed_carry)/10;
    link curr_node = new ListNode(curr_elt);
    curr_node -> next = summed_list;
    // implicit return
    carry = curr_carry;
   	// explicit return
    return curr_node;
link addTwoNumbers(link l1,link l2){
    // Padding Logic
   	link curr_l1 = l1, curr_l2 = l2;
    while(curr_l1 && curr_l2){
        curr_l1 = curr_l1->next;
        curr_l2 = curr_l2->next;
    ListNode dummy;
   	link new_l1,new_l2,pad_list = &dummy,rem_list;
        rem_list = curr_l1;
        new_l1 = l1;
        pad_list->next = l2;
    } else {
        rem_list = curr_l2;
        new_l1 = l2;
        pad_list->next = l1;
    // creating padding zeros.
        link tmp = new ListNode(0);
        tmp->next = pad_list->next;
        pad_list->next = tmp;
        rem_list = rem_list->next;
    // pad_list has all 0s we need;
    new_l2 = pad_list -> next;
    // new_l2 is always shorter list 
    // l1 is always longer list
    int carry;
    link res  = f(new_l1,new_l2,carry);
    link curr = res;
        curr = new ListNode(carry);
        curr-> next = res;
    return curr;