Recursion 1


  • What / How -> First Part (Pre-read)
  • Writing your own recursive solution (frameworks)

What is Recursion

  • Function calling itself
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Mathematical Concept!

Call by value

Memory Layout

  • Stack (local function data : arguments and inside data)
  • Heap (dynamic like malloc, new)
  • Global (global variable, code)

Flow of execution

  • Main
  • Stack is allocated for every functions

Call by reference

  • Change the value at calls
    • Explicit return type ( use struct to create new data type :D)
    • Implicit return type
  • Space Optimized
    • don’t need extra memory declaration in memory stack.

In case of set there is no notion of order!


Subsets : Pick zero or more elements from above array in no order. e. g. {2}, {3,5}, {2,5} and {5,2} are identical !

Subarray : A set of contiguous set from the array. e. g. {3,5} , {2,3} are subarray while {2,5} and {5,2} are not subarray.

Subsequences : A set of elements of array taken in order. e. g. {2,5} is subsequence while {5,2} is not.

Given size $n$ array.

Number of Subsets : $2^n$

Number of Subarray : $\frac{n(n-1)}{2}$ + 1 (empty :D)

Number of Subsequences : $2^n$

Lets take the Array as : [2,3,5]

Now if we looks at the solution set of the problem

  1. We ask ourselves, Is it possible to divide the solution set using some criteria
  • Disjoint ($c_1 \wedge c_2 = \phi$​ )

  • Universal ($ c_1 \vee c_2 = U$​ )

  • We can interpret solution sets as : $c_1$​ solution that includes first elements in subset, $c_2$​​ : solution that doesn’t include the first element.

  1. Define $c_1 \text{ and } c_2$​​ as smaller instance of original problem

    • $c_1$ : number of subset of [3,5]
    • $c_2$ : any subsets of [3,5] and append 2 to it.
  2. Solution is suffix array.

Define recurrence relation.

f(arr , 0, n-1) = f(arr, 1, n-1)​​ $\vee$ f(arr,1,n-1) + {2}

  1. Define Base Cases. (set containing 1 element)

    f(arr, n-1, n-1) = {{}, {arr[n-1]}}

    General framework of recursion code.

vector<vector<int>> f(vector<int>& nums, int i, int end) {
    // Base Case.
    if(i == end){
        return {{},{nums[end]}};
    // Recursive Step
    // Get C2 & C1
    // Get C2
    vector<vector<int>> c2 = f(nums,i+1,end);

    // Get C1
    vector<vector<int>> c1 = c2;
    for(int j = 0; j < c2.size(); j++)

    // combine them
    vector<vector<int>> res = c2;
    for(int j = 0; j < c1.size(); j++)

    return res;

vector<vector<int>> subsets(vector<int>& nums) {
    return f(nums,0,nums.size()-1);

The same thing can be solved using passing the contribution of current element down the function calls.

void f(vector<int>& nums, int i, int end, vector<int> contri, vector<vector<int>> & res){
    if(i == end){
    // Recursive
    // C2.
    f(nums,i+1,end, contri,res);
    // C1.
    // Contribution at this step is nums[i]
    f(nums,i+1,end, contri, res);
vector<vector<int>> subsets(vector<int>& nums){
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    // Implicit return
    f(nums, 0, nums.size()-1, {}, res);
    return res;


lets say : [1,2,3,4] k = 2

Solution set = {[1,2] , [2,3], [3,4], [1,4] , [2,4], [1,3] }

  1. we can divide it into two chunks such that they contain 1 and doesn’t contain 1

This division is mutually exclusive and exhaustive.

$c_1$ : includes first element

$c_2$ : doesn’t include first element

  1. Defining in terms of original problem

$c_2$ : all possible k sized subsets of P(Arr[1…n-1] , k)

$c_1$ : all possible $k-1$ sized subsets of P(Arr[1,n-1], k-1) with Arr[0] appended.

  1. Defining Recurrence

Original Problem : P(arr, 0, n-1, k)

$c_1$ : P(arr,1,n-1,k-1)

$c_2$ : P(arr, 1, n-1, k )

  1. Base Case
  • start > end
    • k = 0 (solution) : {{}}
    • k > 0 (no solution)
  • start <= end
    • k = 0 -> {{}}
vector<vector<int>> f(int start, int end, int k){
    // Base Case.
    if(k == 0)
        return {{}};
    if(start > end)
        return {};
    // Recursive Step
    // C2
    // Doesn't include the first element
    vector<vector<int>> c2 = f(start+1,end,k);

    // C1
    // Include the first element
    vector<vector<int>> temp = f(start+1, end, k-1);

    // Append the first element
    vector<vector<int>> c1 = temp;
    for(int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++)

    // Merge
    // Res is c1 U c2
    vector<vector<int>> res = c2;
    for(int i = 0 ; i < c1.size(); i++)
    return res;
vector<vector<int>> combine(int n, int k) {
    return f(0,n-1,k);

Using contribution method

void f(int start, int end, int k, vector<int> contri, vector<vector<int>> & res ){
    // Base Case.
    if(k == 0){
        return ;
    if(start > end)
        return ;

    // Recursive Step
    // C2. Doesn't include the first element
    f(start+1,end,k, contri, res);

    // C1. Include the first element
    f(start+1, end, k-1,contri, res);
vector<vector<int>> combine(int n, int k) {
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    return res;

Above code has a lot of local copies of contri and increases memory usage :) but what about passing by reference.

we have to add one line of code to fix this :D delete the accumulated contri while passing it up to the caller back again.

Corrected and fixed code :D

void f(int start, int end, int k, vector<int>& contri, vector<vector<int>> & res ){
    // Base Case.
    if(k == 0){
        return ;
    if(start > end)
        return ;

    // Recursive Step
    // C2. Doesn't include the first element
    f(start+1,end,k, contri, res);

    // C1. Include the first element
    f(start+1, end, k-1,contri, res);
vector<vector<int>> combine(int n, int k) {
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    vector<int> contri;
    return res;

Combination Sum

  1. Split solution into chunks

    $c_1$ : not including first element

    $c_2$ : contains at least one instance of first element

  2. Smaller subproblem

    • $c_2$ : solution for arr(1,n-1,sum)
    • $c_1$ : solution for arr(0,n-1,sum-A[0])
  3. Recurrence

    • P : arr,0,n-1, sum
    • c2 : P(arr,1,n-1,sum)
    • c1 : P(arr,0,n-1, sum - A[0])
  4. Base Cases

    • if array becomes empty
      • sum > 0 : {} | np
      • sum = 0 : {{}} | put in the result
      • sum < 0 : {} | np
    • sum <= 0
      • sum == 0 : {{}} | put in the res
      • sum < 0 : {} | np
void f(vector<int>& arr, int start, int end, int target, vector<int>& contri, vector<vector<int>>& res){
    //Base Setps
    if(target == 0) {
    if(target < 0 || start > end)
    //solve c2
    //not including first element
    //solve c1 include first element atleast once
    f(arr,start, end, target-arr[start],contri, res);
vector<vector<int>> combinationSum(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    vector<int> contri;
    f(candidates, 0, candidates.size()-1,target, contri, res);
    return res;

Pruning : if(rem < k) return; i. e. if(end-start+1 < k) return;

Combination Sum II

  1. Split criteria : Sort the array
    • and then include the at least one instance of first element(smallest)
    • don’t include first element and jump to next unique number
  2. Subproblems
  3. Recurrence
  4. Base Case
void f(vector<int>& candidates, int start, int end, int target,vector<int>& contri, vector<vector<int>>& res){
    //base step
    if(target == 0) {

    if( target < 0 || start > end) return;
    //recursive step

    //Not include the smallest ele. at all
    //find the first occurence of number > ar[start]
    int j = start + 1;
    while(j <= end && candidates[j] == candidates[start]) j++;

    f(candidates, j, end, target , contri , res);
    f(candidates,start + 1, end, target - candidates[start], contri, res);
vector<vector<int>> combinationSum2(vector<int>& candidates, int target) {
    vector<int> contri;
    vector<vector<int>> res;
    vector<int> suffix(candidates.size(),0);
    sort(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
    f(candidates, 0 , candidates.size() -1 , target, contri, res);
    return res;