1-Building Blocks

  • Choice of Algorithm and Data Structure are closely intertwined.
  • A Data Structure is not a passive object.(We must consider Ops to be performed on them).

Building Blocks

  • Types define how we will use particular set of bits.

  • Functions allow us to specify operation that will be performed on data.

  • C++ Structures to group heterogenous data together.

  • Pointers to refer to information indirectly.

  • Basic Data types are

    • Integers (intS)
    • Floating-point Numbers (floatS)
    • Characters (charS)
  • We can trade space for accuracy and use int , long int, short int for integers and from float, double for floating-point numbers.

  • Ops are associated with types not other way around. Keep track of whether operand and result are of correct type. In some situation C++ performs implicit type conversion in other cases we perform casts.

  • Functions have a list of arguments and possibly a return type. First line includes the library which contains cout and endl.

    #include <iostream.h>
    int lg(int);
    int main(){
        for( int N =1000;N<=1000000;N*=10)
            cout<<lg(N) <<" "<<N<<endl;
    int lg(int N){
        for(int i=0;N>0;i++,N/=2);
        return i;
  • By not specifying the type of the numbers that the program processes, we extend its potential utility, portability.

  • Best Practice is to split file in 3 files.

    • Interface-defines the data structure and declares the function to be used to manipulate the data structure
    • Implementation of function declared in the interface.
    • Client Program that uses the functions declared in the interface to work at a higher level of abstraction.
  • Reusing function names or operators in different data types is called overloading.

  • Simplest mechanism to group data in C++ is arrays and structures.

  • Structures are aggregate types that we use to define collections of data such that we can manipulate an entire collection as a unit, but still can refer back to components of a given datum by name.

    interface for pairs of floating point numbers
    struct point {float x; float y;};
    float distance(point,point);

    so we can now declare the variables using this new data type.

    struct point a,b; declared two variables of this type.

    also note that we can pass this data type as arguments to the functions.

    a.x = 1.0; a.y = 1.0 This can be considered as initialization of variables.

    #include <math.h>
    #include "Point.h" //interface file
    float distance(point a,point b)
        float dx = a.x - b.x , dy = a.y-b.y;
        return sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy);
  • Now pointer gives us ability to manipulate our data indirectly. A pointer is a reference to an object in memory.

  • int *a Here variable a is a pointer to integer.(Declaration)

  • *a refers to that integer. (Accessing)

  • Unary Operator & gives machine address of an object and useful in initializing pointers. For e. g. *&a is same as a.

    polar(float x, float y, float *r, float *theta)
    { *r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); *theta = atan2(y, x); }

    This snippet actually creates a function that return multiple values using pointers with calling function as-

    polar(1.0, 1.0, &a, &b) //note arguments are passed by value.

  • Same effect can be achieved by reference parameters

    polar(float x, float y, float& r, float& theta)
    { r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); theta = atan2(y, x); }
    • Notation float& means “reference to a float”.
    • We may think of reference as built in pointers that are automatically followed.
    • Now calling function polar(1.0, 1.0, a ,b) will set a = 1.4142… and b =0.7853….