Extra space has to be required for conception practical mergesort, se we may consider auxiliary array space for the linked list in form of links.
Linked list merge
link merge(link a, link b ){
node dummy(0); link head = &dummy, c= head;
while((a!=0) && (b!=0))
if(a->item < b->item)
{c->next = a; c= a; a = a->next;}
{c->next = b ;c= b ; b= b->next;}
c->next = (a==0) ? b :a;
return head->next;
Top-down list mergesort
link mergesort(link c){
if(c==0 || c->next == 0) return c;
//splits link pointed by c into two lists a, b
//then sorting two halves recursively
//and finally merging them
link a = c, b = c->next;
while((b!=0) && (b->next!= 0))
{ c = c->next; b = b->next->next;}
b = c->next; c->next = 0;
return merge(mergesort(a),mergesort(b));
Bottom-up list mergesort
link mergesort(link t){
QUEUE<link> Q(max);
if(t==0 || t->next == 0) return t;
for(link u =0 ; t!=0 ; t= u)
{u = t->next ; t->next = 0; Q.put(t);}
t = Q.get();
{Q.put(t); t = merge(Q.get(),Q.get());}
return t;