7-Recursive Binary TreeAlgo

Recursive Binary-Tree Algorithms

Computation of tree Parameters

int count(link h){
    if(h==0) return 0;
    return count(h->l) + count(h->r)+1;
int height(link h){
    if(h==0) return -1;
    int u = height(h->l), int v = height(h->r);
    if(u>v) return u+1; else return v+1;

Quick Tree Print function

void printnode(Item x,int h){
    for (int i=0;i<h;i++) cout<<" ";
void show(link t,int h){
    if(t==0) { printnode('*',h); return;}

Find the maximum by building a tournament

Its binary tree where the item in every internal node is a copy of the larger of the items in its two children. and in particular item at the root is biggest of all of them.


Construction of tournament

struct node
    Item item; node *l,*r;
    node(Item x)
    {item = x; l= 0; r=0}
typedef node* link;
link max(Item a[],int l,int r){
    int m = (l+r)/2;
    link x = new node(a[m]);
    if(l==r) return x;
    x->l = max(a,l,m);
    x->r = max(a,m+1,r);
    Item u = x->l->item, v = x->r->item;
        x->item = u; else x->item = v;
    return x;

Parse Tree

Tree constructed for expression i.e. prefix *+a**bc+def


Construction of a parse tree

char *a; int i; struct node{
    Item item; node*l,*r;
    node(Item x){
        item = x; l=0 ;r=0;
typedef node* link;
link parse(){
    char t = a[i++]; link x = new node(t);
    if((t=='+')|| (t=='*'))
    { x->l = parse(); x->r = parse();}
    return x;