5-Boruvkas Algorithm

Boruvka’s Algorithm

We build MST by adding edges to a spreading forest of MST subtrees; but we do so in stages, adding several MST edges at each stage.

At each stage, we find shortest edge that connects each MST subtree with a different one, then add all such edges to the MST. We can use our old implementation of union-find ADT, especially the find operations.

First, we maintain a vertex-indexed vector that identifies, for each MST subtree, the nearest neighbor. Then, we perform the following operation on each edge in the graph.

  • If it connects two vertices in the same tree, discard it.
  • Otherwise, check nearest-neighbor distances between the two trees the edge connects and update them if appropriate.

There are three factors that make this implementation efficient.

  • The cost of each find operation is essentially constant.
  • Each stage decreases the number of MST subtree in the forest by at least a factor of 2.
  • A substantial number of edges is discarded during each stage. It is difficult to quantify precisely all these factors, but the following bound is easy to establish.

Property 20.11 The running time of Boruvka’s algorithm for computing the MST of a graph is $O(E\lg V \lg E)$

It possible to remove the $\lg E$ factor to lower the theoretical bound on the running time of Boruvka’s algorithm to be proportional to $E\lg V$, by representing MST subtrees with doubly-linked list instead of using the union and find operations.

template <class Graph, class Edge> class MST
    const Graph &G;
    vector<Edge *> a, b, mst;
    UF uf;
    MST(const Graph &G):G(G), uf(G.V()), mst(G.V()+1)
        a = edges <Graph, Edge>(G);
        int N,k = 1;
        for(int E = a.size(); E!=0; E=N)
            int h,i,j;
            for(h=0,N=0; h<E; h++)
                Edge *e = a[h];
                i = uf.find(e->v()), j = uf.find(e->w());
                if(i == j ) continue;
                if(!b[i] || e->wt() < b[i]->wt()) b[i] = e;
                if(!b[i] || e->wt() < b[i]->wt()) b[j] = e;
                a[N++] = e;
            for( h = 0; h < G.V() ; h++)
                    if(!uf.find(i = b[h]->v(), j = b[h]->w()))
                    {uf.unite(i,j); mst[k++] = b[h];}

Boruvka’s is the oldest of the algorithms that we consider : It was originally conceived in 1926, for a power-distribution application.