Strings from cp-algorithms

String Processing

  • Fundamentals
    • String Hashing
    • Rabin-Karp
    • Prefix function - KMP
    • Z function
    • Suffix Array
  • Advanced
    • Suffix Tree
    • Suffix Automaton
    • Lyndon factorization
  • Tasks
    • Expression Parsing
    • Manacher’s Algorithm - Finding all sub-palindromes in O(n)
    • Finding repetitions

Prefix Function - KMP

Given a string s of length n. The prefix function for this string is defined as an array $\pi [i]$ is the length of proper prefix of substring s[0...i] which is also a suffix of this substring. By definition $\pi[0] = 0$.

For example, prefix function of string “abcabcd” is $[0,0,0,1,2,3,0]$

Trivial Algorithm will be of complexity $O(n^3)$.

Efficient Algorithm was proposed by Knuth and Pratt and independently from them by Morris in 1977. It was used as the main function of a substring search algorithm.

  • First Optimization

    Observe that the value of the prefix function can increase by at most one.

    i.e. $\pi[i+1] \le \pi[i] + 1$.

    This reduces the complexity to $O(n^2)$.

  • Second Optimization

    Lets compute prefix function for $i+1$.

    If $s[i] = s[\pi[i]]$, then we can say with certainty that $\pi[i+1] = \pi[i]+1$, since we already know that the suffix at position $i$ of length $\pi[i]$ is equal to the prefix of length $\pi[i]$.

    If this is not the case, $s[i] \ne s[\pi[i]]$, then we need to try a shorter string. In order to speed up things, we would like to immediately move to the longest length $j < \pi[i]$, such that the prefix property in the position $i$ holds, i.e. $s[0…j-1] = s[i-j+1…i]$.


    Indeed, if we find such a length $j$, then we again only need to compare the characters $s[i+1]$ and $s[j]$ , if they equal , then we say $\pi[i+1] = j+1$ otherwise we will need to find the largest value smaller than $j$, for which prefix property holds, and so on.

    When $j=0$, if $s[i+1] = s[0]$, we assign $\pi[i+1] = 1$ and $\pi[i+1] = 0$ otherwise.

Final Algorithm
  • Compute prefix values $\pi[i]$ in a loop by iterating from 1… n-1 with $\pi[0] = 0$.
  • To calculate the current value $\pi[i]$ we set the j variable the length of best suffix for $i-1$. Initially $j = \pi[i-1]$.
  • Test if the suffix of length $j+1$ is also a prefix by comparing $s[j]$ and $s[i]$. If they are equal then we assign $\pi[i] = j+1$ otherwise we reduce $j$ to $\pi[j-1]$ and repeat this step.
  • If we have reached $j=0$ and still no match then we set $\pi[i] = 0$ and move on to next index $i+1$.
vector<int> prefix_function(string s) {
    int n = (int)s.length();
    vector<int> pi(n);
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        int j = pi[i-1];
        while (j > 0 && s[i] != s[j])
            j = pi[j-1];
        if (s[i] == s[j])
        pi[i] = j;
    return pi;

Note : Its a online algorithm, i.e. it processes the data as it arrives.

  • Substring Searching (KMP)

    given text $t$ and a string $s$, find and display all occurrences of the string $s$ in $t$.

    size of s be n and size of t be m.

    We generate a string s+#+t where # is a separator that doesn’t appear in both s and t. Calculate the prefix function for the string.

    This of what prefix function represents for $i > n$. It represents longest length of a substring ending in the position i that coincides with the prefix. But in our cause this is nothing more than the largest block that coincides with $s$ and ends at $i$. This length cannot be bigger than $n$ due to separator. But if equality is approaches $\pi[i] = n$ then it means that the string $s$ appears completely in at this position i.e. it ends at position $i$. Just don’t forget indices in string s+#+t.

    If at some $i$ $\pi[i] = n$ then at the position $i-(n+1) - n+1 = i - 2n$ in the string $t$ the string $s$ appears

    Thus KMP solves the problem in $O(n+m)$ time and $O(n)$ memory.

  • Counting the number of occurrences of each prefix