1-Abstract Objects & Collections of Objects

Abstract Objects and Collections of Objects

  • Up till now we have created a lot of simple data types in order to write code that doesn’t depend on object types and deciding the datatype using typedef

  • Above approach allows to use same code for integers and floating-points and with pointers, object type can be arbitrarily complex. Moreover implementation is not also hidden from clients. ADT’s are quite useful in this sense

  • Later we will develop ADT’s for generic data objects of a generic type Item so that we can write client programs where we use Item in same way as built-in types.

  • Once developed we can use the C++ Template mechanism to write code that is generic with respect to types.

    For example exchange operation for generic items.

    template <class Item>
    	void exch(Item &x, Item &y)
    	{ Item t = x; x = y; y = t; }
    • Other operation
      • insert a new object into the collection.
      • remove an object from collection.
    • Other operations like destructors and copy constructor
  • In C++, classes that implement collections of abstract objects are called container classes.