6-Performance Characteristics of BSTs

Performance Chracterstics of BSTs

Running time of algorithm on BSTs are dependent on the shapes of trees. In best case, the tree could be perfectly balanced, with about $\lg N$ nodes between root and each of external nodes, but in worst case there could be $N$ nodes on search path.

On average case it performs quite well since random inputs create tree which may not be perfectly balanced but enough so that algorithms perform well.

Property : Search hits require about $ 2 \lg N \approx 1:39 \lg N$ comparisons, on the average, in a BST built from N random keys.

Property : Insertions and search misses require about $ 2 \lg N \approx 1:39 \lg N$ comparisons, on the average, in a BST built form N random keys.

Property : In the worst case, a search in a binary search tree with N keys can require N comparisons.

Some worst case BSTs :-)

