2-Depth first search

To visit a vertex, we mark it as having been visited, then recursively visit all the vertices that are adjacent to it and that have not yet been marked.

ord vector stores the order of traversal of vertices.

Program 18.1 Depth-first search of a connected component

#include <vector>
template <class Graph> class cDFS
    int cnt;
    const Graph &G;
    vector <int> ord;
    void searchC(int v)
        ord[v] = cnt++;
        typename Graph::adjIterator A(G,v);
        for(int t = A.beg(); !A.end(); t = A.nxt())
            if(ord[t] == -1) searchC(t);
    	cDFS(const Graph &G, int v = 0):
    		G(G),cnt(0), ord(G.V(),-1)
    	int count() const {return cnt;}
    	int operator[](int v) const {return ord[v];}


DFS trace


Existence of parallel edges is inconsequential for DFS cause edges are marked visited once. Search Dynamics can vary quite differently according to graph representation we apply DFS.