This is simplest implementation of Dijkstra in C++.
Assumes input is given as input[i] : $[u_i,v_i,w]$ , a source vertex s
, a destination vertex d
Below code solves the dist[]
: which will in the end contain required distance as dist[d]
Note : below code assumes vertex in range [0,1,...n-1]
Reference :
typedef pair<int,int> pi;
int dijkstra(vector<vector<int>>& input, int s, int d, int n) {
// construct graph
vector<vector<int>> G(n);
for(auto& inp:input)
// Create distance array
vector<int> dist(n,INT_MAX);
//$ vector<int> p(int,-1);
dist[s] = 0;
// priority queue : min_heap
priority_queue<pi,vector<pi>,greater<pi>> pq;
int u =;
// explore and do relaxation on neighbors
for(auto& it: G[u]) {
int v = it.first;
int w = it.second;
// there exists shorted path to v through u
if(dist[u] + w < dist[v]) {
// update distance
dist[v] = dist[u] + w;
//$ p[v] = u;
// now dist contains shortest distance of all vertices from s
return dist[d];
A variant of above algorithm for listing out the shortest path is to uncomment the //$
lines and use this function to recurse on the path vector.
Note : this implementation assumes that there is a shortest path and above ^ algorithm found it out already :)
vector<int> restore_path(int s, int d, vector<int>& p) {
vector<int> path;
for(int v = d; v!=s; v=p[v])
// reverse the path do correct the ordering
return path;