Data Structures

  • Trie

    struct vertex {
        char alphabet;
        bool exist;
        vector<vertex*> child;
        vertex(char a): alphabet(a), exist(false) {child.assign(26,NULL);}
    class Trie {
        vertex* root;
        Trie() {root = new vertex('!');}
        void insert(string word) {
            vertex* cur = root;
            for(int i = 0; i < (int)word.size()); ++i) {
                int alphaNum = word[i]-'A';
                if(cur->child[alphaNum] == NULL)
                    cur->child[alphaNum] = new vertex(word[i]);
                cur = cur->child[alphaNum];
            cur->exists = true;
        bool search(string word) {
            vertex* cur = root;
            for(int i = 0; i < (int) word.size(); ++i) {
                int alphaNum = word[i]-'A';
                if(cur->child[alphaNum] == NULL)
                    return false; // early termination
                cur = cur->child[alphaNum];
            return cur->exists;
        bool startsWith(string prefix) {
            vertex* cur = root;
            for(int i = 0; i < (int) prefix.size(); ++i) {
                int alphaNum = prefix[i]-'A';
                if(cur->child[alphaNum] == NUL)
                    return false;
                cur = cur->child[alphaNum];


  • Linear Search

  • Binary Search

    int main() {
        int A[] = {1,3,5,6,8,10,14};
        int l = 0, r = A.size()-1, mid;
        while(l < r) {
            mid = l + (r-l+1)/2; // in case of lower mid - we compensate
        		l = mid;
                r = mid-1;
        cout << l << endl;		// above primer ensures answer is at l




  • String Hashing

    long long compute_hash(string const& s) {
        const int p = 31;  // prime p = 51 if capital letters are used
        const int m = 1e9 + 9;
        long long hash_val = 0;
        long long p_pow = 1;
        for (char c : s) {
            hash_val = (hash_val + (c - 'a' + 1) * p_pow) % m;
            p_pow = (p_pow * p) % m;
        return hash_val;

    Hashing of substring of $s$ from $i$ to $j$.

    $hash(s[i…j]) . p^i = hash(s[0…j]) - hash(s[0…i-1])$

    Rabin-Karp : utilizes above strategy with precomputed power array.

  • Prefix Function Calculation (LPS)

    vector<int> prefix_function(string s) {
        int n = (int) s.length();
        vector<int> pi(n);
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int j = pi[i-1];
            while(j > 0 && s[i] != s[j])
            if(s[i] == s[j])
            pi[i] = j;
        return pi;

    LPS(i) : Longest prefix which also a suffix in the subarray $S([0…i])$

  • KMP

    Using above LPS do this

    1. value to put in prefix function is needle + “$” + haystack.
    2. then find if LPS(i) == needle.size() , then return i-2*needle.size() as matched substring location.