

Check the file/etc/shells

if it doesn’t contain following line then add the line



sudo pkg install bash
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash

Installing bash using pkg automatically updates /etc/shells

Installing Some Utilities

dnsutils	# dig, nslookup
joe			# text editor
lynx		# text-mode web browser
pbzip2		# paralled bzip2
pigz		# parallel gzip
rlwrap		# enables backspace for some CLI commands

Installing from a packages list

#!/bin/bash -e
cd /root/setupfiles/
apt-get install `cat *-dpkg.lst`

Parallel commands in FreeBSD are

pkg install dnsutils joe lynx like this.

Setup “dnsmasq”

apt-get install dnsmasq

create file resolv.conf using this bash script

#!/bin/bash -e
touch resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" > resolv.conf
chmod 644 resolv.conf

and "dnsmasq.conf" using this

#!/bin/bash -e
touch dnsmasq.conf
echo "all-servers


server=	#OpenDNS
server=			#Google
server=" > dnsmasq.conf
chmod 644 dnsmasq.conf

next replace "/etc/dnsmasq.conf" and "/etc/resolv.conf" with files generated above

#!/bin/bash -e
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
service dnsmasq restart

So command chattr +i make files immutable means you can’t change the file! unless you run chattr -i on the file.

After the edit run chattr +i again.

Now check whether its working of not do this

nslookup bacon.eggs

Setup LC_ALL

create a file "/etc/profile.d/" that contains

export LC_ALL=C

file need to be readable, but need not be executable

Restart shell session to see changes.