Chocolatey is a package manager for windows and is quite useful in setting up windows quickly.
Ensure Administrative Shell Access
of powershell
should not be set to Restricted.
We can set it to Bypass
to install all packages or AllSigned
to get packages with quite bit of security
Execute the following text
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Wait for some time for process to complete
Type choco
or choco -?
to check the installation.
Upgrading the chocolatey
choco upgrade chocolatey
Installing a package
choco install gimp
choco install -y googlechrome firefox adobereader 7zip vlc notepadplusplus
Basic :
choco install -y googlechrome firefox hexchat foxitreader mpc-hc k-litecodecpackfull vlc qbittorrent 7zip windirstat teracopy libreoffice-fresh
Tools :
choco install -y notepadplusplus sublimetext3 vscode typora git gimp github-desktop javaruntime jdk11 jdk8 python virtualbox nvm nodejs wget curl dotnet3.5 php openssh microsoft-windows-terminal cmdermini